
UDRI Conducts First Ever Drone/Aircraft Impact Testing

For many decades the University of Dayton Research Institute has been at the forefront of aircraft destructive impact testing for the purpose of improving aircraft design and safety. Historically much of this testing has been focused on quantifying damage resulting...

Announcing 107Drone.biz Commercial Drone Consulting

“Eight out of ten new businesses fail within the first 18 months.” “Those that do survive don’t become profitable until year five at best.” Giving away your best trade secrets to your competition is not a recommended course of action....

Commercial Drone Industry Best Practices

The following list of Commercial Drone Industry Best Practices for Part 107 Commercial Drone Operations that are intended to promote a positive image for this rapidly evolving industry. Safety – Although not a regulatory requirement, notify nearby airports and...

2018 Ultimate Drone Service User Guide

Every day more and more businesses are beginning to incorporate drone based aerial imaging services into their work plans and deliverables. Being a relatively new technology, it is quite common to hear new clients say something along the lines of “I’ve...
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