NEED TO HIRE A DRONE PILOT FOR AERIAL VIDEOGRAPHY or photography SERVICES in ohio, indiana or kentucky?
Whenever Pro-Quality Drone Aerial Video or Helicopter Aerial Pictures/Video Services are needed in the Midwest, we are the answer. We are also BBB accredited!
Need to hire a local drone pilot for drone aerial services? Perfect Perspectives has Drone Aerial Video & Photography flight teams located in the following cities to better serve all your Midwest (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky) Drone Aerial Imaging and Photography needs –
Cincinnati – Cleveland – Columbus – Dayton – Louisville – Indianapolis
We Offer All The Following For Cincinnati Area and Midwest region Drone Aerial Imaging Services
- The Midwest’s Most Experienced Flight Team
- The Best Gear/Cameras Currently Available
- Full Video Editing/Production Services
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- Rapid Media Turn-Around
- Volume Discounts
- BBB A+ & Google 5 Star Rating
- 17 Year Perfect Safety Rating
- Tri-State Service Area
Call (937)272-5952
Ohio Drone Video | Photography Services
- Closed Set Motion Picture/Television Filming
- High Resolution (50 megapixels) Low Altitude Aerial Photography
- UHD (4k to 8k) Drone Videography (RED or ARRI)
- Marketing, Action Sports and Entertainment
- Trade Show/Expo Marketing Media
- Corporate Event Videography and Photography
- Music Videos, High Speed Vehicle Chase Scenes
- Aerial 360 Degree Panoramic VR Photography
- Construction Progress Photography
- Elevated Architectural Photography
- Building Facade Inspections
- Golf Resort Marketing and Advertising
- Auto Dealership Marketing
- Traffic Studies and Civil Engineering Support
- Elevated Structural Inspections
- Insurance/Legal Investigations/Expert Witness
- High Rise Balcony Shots
- Aerial Platforms for R&D projects
- Thermal Imaging – Roofing Inspections
- Thermal Imaging- Wildlife Surveys
- Drone-Based Movie Special Effects & Lighting
Partial Client List